
Main Collections

If you are interested in browsing through all of the material available in The Preserve, you can use the browse function. Lehigh Librarians have curated the repository into four broad sections:

  • Digital Special Collection
  • Lehigh Scholarship
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Research Data

Links to these sections are available from the "Featured Collections" section of the homepage or by clicking on the "Browse Digital Collections" button in the header menu at the top every site page.


Each of these sections is further divided into logical collections of materials, with a representative thumbnail image and description of their contents.

Clicking on any of these collections will display the digital objects that they contain. A count of the number of objects a collection contains is listed in red beneath the collection description. This count may not always seem accurate as some collections contain additional sub-collections. To avoid confusion about collections and sub-collections, breadcrumbs displaying the hierarchy of the currently displayed page are displayed below the menu bar. You can use these breadcrumbs to access containing collections.