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Webinar: Successful Self-Employment & Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities

RespectAbility (1hr 19min)
Description: "Did you know that people with disabilities are significantly MORE likely to start their own businesses than people without disabilities? Self-employment can solve issues of transportation, flexible scheduling, and enable talented people with disabilities to both thrive and help their communities. Our nation’s vocational rehabilitation (VR) system is a crucial means for getting people with disabilities into the workforce or back to work after acquiring a disability. They also have professionals and funding to support the creation of disability-owned businesses."

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WISE Webinar 2018-09: Self-Employment and Working from Home

Choose Work (1hr 21min)
Description: "During this webinar, we presented information to beneficiaries, family members and Ticket to Work service providers regarding Social Security’s Ticket program, self-employment and working from home. Presenters from New England Business Associates and My Employment Options shared resources and Work Incentives that may help beneficiaries’ meet their goals to pursue financial independence."

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WISE Webinar 2017-11: Working for Yourself with Ticket to Work

Choose Work (1hr 30min)
Description: "Focused on providing participants with an understanding of how self-employment and the Ticket to Work program can work together to provide the transition to a financially stable future. The presentation included information on: work Incentives that can help with self-employment, why self-employment may be the right choice for someone, key considerations and resources to plan a path toward employment or self-employment, and New England Business Associates (NEBA) Business Development Center "

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Self-Employment is Customized Employment

Nebraska VR (4:46min)
Description: "Tanna Skarniak ... owns Grand Island, NE based TS Preservation Specialists where she specializes in lawn mowing, winterizations, debris removal, and minor repairs to properties. For decades, she attempted work in traditional jobs but often quit due to concerns about losing the Social Security benefits that provided access to disability related prescriptions. When a small business idea presented an opportunity for customized employment that would accommodate her disability, ... [t]he self-employment services she received to start her own business and reach her goals to work full-time and own her own home provided a foundation for her success."

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Jonathan Sharp on Self-Employment for People With Disabilities

Johnson City Public Library (26:56min)
Description: "Jonathan Sharp is the owner of J.A. Sharp Business Services and a facilitator for the GCA Centre for Adult Autism Mountain Empire Chapter in Johnson City. He explains the pros and cons of self-employment for people with disabilities, as well as the best careers for self-employment. At the end of the video, JCPL Librarian Lisa Williams gives an overview of Universal Class, a digital resource which offers free classes and certifications for many professional fields."

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An Introduction to Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship for People with Disabilities

National AgrAbility (1hr 6min)
(no description provided)