
“To our people, [land] was everything: identity, the connection to our ancestors, the home of our nonhuman kinfolk, our pharmacy, our library, the source of all that sustained us. Our lands were where our responsibility to the world was enacted, sacred ground.” -Robin Wall Kimmerer

“The legacy of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), the intellectual twin to science, has been handed down in the oral tradition for countless generations...Like scientific information, traditional knowledge arises from careful system observation of nature, from the results of innumerable lived experiments. Traditional knowledge is rooted in intimacy with a local landscape where the land itself is the teacher.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer

Edward (Redbird) Willie (Pomo/Wailaki/Wintu) is a native ecologist with many years’ experience teaching Traditional Ecological Knowledge, fire ecology, permaculture, and ancestral skills. In this workshop presentation he discusses the basics of fire ecology in California and the longstanding relationship natives have had with the land, including through fire ecology. He describes practices that helped steward the land and gives actions that we can take as a community to help contribute solutions to the current fire situation in the west.