A brief overview of and introduction to statistical software packages comparing and contrasting their features and strengths.
Software: SPSS, JMP, Stata, SAS, R, MATLAB
Duration: 90 min

Room description:

Some tutorials are held remotely and require NYU sign on to access, while others are held in person, without a remote component. Please note the correct modality and location of the tutorial when registering

Prerequisites: None
Skills Taught / Learning Outcomes:

Overview of each package showing its interface and

  • How to enter data
  • Perform a statistical test
  • Create and edit a chart
  • Export final result
Class Materials: guides.nyu.edu/quant/statsoft
Related Classes:

Introduction to SPSS

Introduction to JMP

Introduction to Stata

Introduction to SAS

Introduction to R

Introduction to MATLAB

Additional Training Materials: guides.nyu.edu/quant
Feedback: bit.ly/feedbackds