Find Test Reviews :: Search Tips :: PubMed

Method 1:Limit search results by using Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) that are helpful in identifying articles that evaluate instruments. Combine your variable of interest with the MeSH terms.
Sample MeSH terms include but are not limited to:

  • Validation Studies as Topic - articles about research using processes by which the reliability and relevance of a procedure for a specific purpose are established, 2008 -
  • Reproducibility of Results - articles about statistical reproducibility of measurements (often in a clinical context), including the testing of instrumentation or techniques to obtain reproducible results, 1989 -

Example: "beck depression inventory" AND Validation Studies as Topic[mh]

HINT: Use quotation marks to specify a phrase search.

Method 2: Limit search resultts by using the Publication Type (PT) field. Enter the name or acronym of the instrument in the search box and add the term "Validation Studies[pt]". Click Go to find articles that consist of research using processes by which the reliability and relevance of a procedure for a specific purpose are established. Validation Studies[pt] has been in use since 2001.

Example: "beck depression inventory" AND validation studies[pt]

Method 3: Search by keywords. Enter the instrument name or acronym in the search box and add keywords such as "validity" or "reliability".

Example: "beck depression inventory" AND (validity OR reliability)

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