Find Test Reviews :: Search Tips :: PsycInfo

Method 1: Search by instrument name using the Tests & Measures (TM) field to find studies that use a particular instrument since 2001. Enter your term in the Search box and select TM Tests & Measures as the field to be searched.

Example: Beck Depression Inventory in TM Tests & Measures

Method 2: Search using keywords in the Keywords (KW) or the Abstract (AB) field. Enter the most your term in the Search box and select KW Keyword or AB Abstract as the field to be searched.

Example: Beck Depression Inventory in KW Keywords

Method 3: Limit search results by using the Subjects [exact] (DE) field. Enter your term in the Search box. In the next Search box, enter "test validity" or "test reliability" and select DE Subjects [exact] as the field to be searched. Click Search to retrieve citations on the validity or reliability of a test.

Example: Beck Depression Inventory and test reliability OR test validity in DE Subjects [exact]

HINT: Some popular testing instruments, such as the Beck Depression Inventory, are included as PsycINFO subject headings that can be searched.

Example: Beck Depression Inventory in DE Subjects [extra] and test reliability OR test validity in DE Subjects [exact]

Hint: You can add other terms if applicable, such as "interrater reliability" or "test standardization". In addition, if you need to narrow down your results, you can limit the test name to the Title field.

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