Folders enable you to display a collection of resources, such as text documents, PDFs, and multimedia. You can add descriptions and group the resources in a logical way by adding subfolders.  Students click a folder to view its contents. They see the name of the folder, a description, and subfolders and files.

course assignments folders

  • To create a folder just click on "Build Content" and select "Content Folder"

click on build content in the upper left and click on content folder

  • Next, name your new folder and type a description.  You can also set any restrictions for when students can or can't see this folder (you can always change these settings later)

enter name and description, you can also limit when this folder is visible or not to students

  • Hit "Submit" at the bottom of the page and you've created your folder.  Now you're free to start adding content (links, readings, assignments, exams, ect..)

A Learning Module is a container for content that holds an organized collection of material presented with a table of contents. Typically, you create learning modules in content areas. You add and manage content in a learning module just as you do in a content area. You can add content items, file attachments, links to websites, tests, assignments, and multimedia.