BlueJeans app

​1.  Open the BlueJeans App on your computer

2.  Choose Join as a guest

bluejeans login screen

3.  Enter Meeting ID (provided by Distance Learning) and Passcode if available (Passcode gives you additional moderator rights).  After entering this information click on Join Meeting

bluejeans app join as guest window

4.  Please turn your camera and microphone on as shown below:

BlueJeans connections window

BlueJeans web conferencing room

1.  Power on the room using the Crestron and select "Instructor PC"

crestron screen

2.  Login to the computer

3.  Connect to class through the BlueJeans App as the directions above

BlueJeans video cart

1.  Pick up the Polycom remote to wake up the video equipment

2.  Tap the "Home" button

remote home buttons

3.  Click on the "Place a Call" button

4.  Use the keypad to enter and dial your personal BlueJeans number: (meeting ID number)

place a call screen

5.  Click the green button on the remote to place your call

call buttons