Discovery tools
FirstSearch Includes WorldCat, Ebooks and numerous other databases.
JAIRO - Japanese Institutional Repositories Online
CiNii Articles Japanese academic journal search portal with links to digital contents when available; Refworks compatible.
国文学研究資料館古典籍総合目録 Union Catalog of Early Japanese Books including holdings of European and US libraries.
Project MUSE ID
ProQuest ID Full texts of dissertations and theses.
Scrolls 絵巻
絵巻物データベース 日文研所蔵の「地獄草紙絵巻」「鳥羽絵巻」「長谷雄草紙」 「寛永行幸図巻」絵巻や「百鬼夜行絵巻」30巻
Illustrated books
Les Nara ehon de la BnF (Nara ehon of French National Library) 27 titles held by BnF are viewable.
Ehon: The Artist and the Book in Japan From the Spencer Collection in New York Public Library.
近世絵手本画譜類画像検索データベース 金沢美術工芸大學所蔵の近世絵手本・画譜類の書誌、画像
東京女子大学所蔵ちりめん本コレクション 192 titles are viewable.
ちりめん本データベース Printed on crepe paper (chirimen), 77 titles of Japanese Folk tales are viewable.
The Pulverer Collection at the Freer Gallery of Art