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ELCO High School Library: Oil Sands

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BBC Article

American Chemical Society Citation Guide

In-text Citation Format

References in the text should be cited in one of three ways:

  1. by number;
  2. by superscript number;
  3. by author name and date.

References should be in italics and numbered sequentially.

If a reference is cited more than once, it does not receive a new number.

If citing more than one reference at a time, include reference numbers in increasing order separated by commas.

Number Example: ...preparing N-(p-nitroaryl)amides (2).

Author Name and Date Example: ...preparing N-(p-nitroaryl)amides (Stern and Cheng, 1995).


The list of references appears at the end of the paper in alphabetical order if cited by author and date or in numerical order if cited by numbers.


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