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Faculty Guide

FIlms on Demand

Watch & Learn

Our YouTube Tutorial will walk you through how to find academic streaming videos.

Films on Demand

Linking to Videos

To link to videos from Films on Demand:

  1. Click "Share", located under the video
  2. Click "Embed/Link"
  3. Copy the RECORD URL. This proxy link will enable students to access the video from anywhere off-campus, provided they log-in using their name & 7 digit College ID. All proxy links should begin with "".
  4. If you're adding the link to your Blackboard site, you will want to be sure to check the box for "Have link open in a new window" to ensure that the content is not blocked.

Embedding Videos in Blackboard

To embed videos from Films on Demand directly within your Blackboard course:

  1. Click "Share", located under the video
  2. Click "Embed/Link"
  3. Copy the EMBED CODE.
  4. In the Blackboard editor, click the HTML button.
  5. Paste the EMBED CODE into the form.
  6. Click "Update".

Please note: it is highly recommended to also include a link to the RECORD URL with the embedded video. The link provides another access point if the student's browser or security settings block the video from displaying.

FOD share

Video Resources on the Web

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