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Basic Search

At the top of the screen, you will see a basic search bar. You can do a basic search with a keyword by typing in a topic into the search bar and clicking that yellow search button, or you can do a phrase search using quotation marks such as "Hurricane Maria." Using quotation marks with a phrase search will give you search results that the words hurricane and Maria together. A phrase search works better if you go into Advanced Search and select "Find all of my search terms." 

Another tip: You can click on "New Search" to refresh the page.

Advanced Search

The Advanced Search page of Explora can look overwhelming. But there are a few options that you can select to make your search stronger. 

The first is using the three search lines and using the drop downs. Using "And" "Or" and "Not" help you create a stronger search. For example if you were searching for bears you might say:

Brown bears
AND Grizzly bears
NOT Chicago bears

In this search you would find brown bears and grizzly bears, but not the Chicago Bears. 


You can also limit what words are searched. Searching just the title, the source title, the author or even the subject can narrow down your search results. 


Refining Your Results

You can also limit your search results from the search result page using the Refine Results column in the left-hand corner. 

The settings for Explora are already for full-text results, but the Publication Date slide and the source types checkboxes are helpful tools. Play around with these tools and see how your results change.  

Keeping Track of Your Resources

You cannot copy your URL from the toolbar and expect to get back to the article you are reading. If you need to get back to your article or share it with someone else, you need to get the article's Permalink. 


How To: Link to an Article

A persistent link can be retrieved for any record in the EBSCOhost database, using most interfaces.

Step 1 Perform a search on any interface, with the keywords and limiters you'd like to use.  
Step 2 On the top of the search results area, mouse over the "Citation" icon to bring up the "Brief Citation" popup box.  
Step 3 Click on the "Detailed Record" button on the bottom of the citation box.  
Step 4 On the right side of the screen under the "Tools" menu, click on "Permalink". A small popup box will appear with the direct persistent link to the article.