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Microsoft Teams: Maestro: Working in Teams' Channels

Teams can have standard or private channels

channel list

a.  Standard Channels

  • They're open for all members and anything posted is searchable by others.
  • By default, all members of a team can create standard channels.  Tenant owners can change this permission and limit channel creation and permissions to certain roles.

Note: Files that you share in a channel (viewable on the Files tab) are stored in SharePoint.  List of files shared in a channel can be found in the Files tab in a channel.

channels and files

b. Private Channels

  • Private channels are for discussions that shouldn't be open to all members, so you must be invited to join one to view it within a Team.

Note: Files shared in a private channel are only viewable by the members of the channel and are stored in the separate SharePoint from the rest of the Team's files.

Private channel meetings and calls

External guests can join a Team's private channel meeting or Meeting now call.  During the meeting or call, they'll have temporary access to chat, files, whiteboard, notes, and the participants list (those not in the Outlook invite), but not after the meeting or call.

Show a Team or channel

When you join a new Team, it's automatically shown in your Teams list.  If you know you're a member of a Team but don't see it, view your "All Teams" list.