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Step-by-Step: Books & More

CIte your Sources

Step 1: Get the Citation Information.

  • Check your assignment to see which citation style is required (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
  • All of the information you need for your citation is located in the search results
    • This information is also found within the first few pages of your book.
  • Click on the title of the book you want to cite.


Step 2: Click the "Cite It" link that is located to the right of the book's information.

  • The citation generator will open in a new window.

Step 3:  Get the ISBN.

  • Go back to the browser tab for "Blink!" Cincinnati State's Library catalog to find the book's ISBN.
  • The ISBN is located several lines under the title and is part of the book's identifying information.
  • Copy the ISBN.


Step 4: Start generating your citation.

  • Go back to the "Cite a Book/Scribbr" tab and paste the ISBN in the big search box that is in the middle of the screen.
  • Be sure to select your assignment's citation style, usually MLA or APA.
  • Hit the search button.

Step 5: Pick which version of the book you want to cite by clicking the "Choose" button.

Step 6: Edit source information.

  • Add any missing information and/or edit for accuracy, if needed.
  • Click "Cite Source" at the bottom left of the page.

Step 7: Get Your Citation!

  • Copy your citation by clicking "copy to clipboard" under the "Works Cited" or "References" heading (depending on if you are using MLA or APA).
  • Paste your citation to your assignment.


More Citation Help

MLA Format

APA Format

Citation Management

Watch & Learn

Our YouTubePlaylist has videos to help you set up your cover page and format your paper, plus learn how to use the OWL to craft your citations for either MLA or APA format. Be sure to pick the style required by your instructor!

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