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Step-by-Step: Books & More

Cubside Pickup


Step 1: Find your Book

To request a book for Library PickUp,you will want to make sure the Status says "Available". Items with a different status may not be available for pickup, or may take longer to become available.Videos & library equipment are not available for Library PickUp.


Step 2: Click "Request".


Step 3: Submit your Request.

Type your name and 7-digit College ID in the spaces provided, then click the "Submit" button. Students may find their 7-digit ID number on their registration statement.

Step 4: Confirm your Request by clicking the "Request Selected Item" button.

Step 5: Verify Confirmation.

If your "Hold" was processed, you will see a confirmation page similar to the one pictured below. You will receive an email once the item is available for you to pickup. Please read your email carefully for any additional instructions!

Step 6: Complete the Library User Agreement Form

Students must complete a Library User Agreement e-form each year, prior to borrowing library materials.

Monday to Thursday: 10am to 3pm

Items must be picked up within one week. Items not picked up will have their Holds cancelled and returned to the shelf.

Please check the calendar below for changes in hours during intersessions & holidays. Or, view our calendar online at Google Calendars.

Step 1: Check Your Cicinnati State Email

You'll receive an email once your item is ready for pickup! If you requested more than one item, you'll want to make sure they are all available prior to coming to campus (unless you want to make extra trips! Items must be picked up within one week of the email notice being sent. After one week, your Hold will be cancelled and the item(s) will be returned to the shelf.

Step 2: Complete the Library User Agreement Form

If you haven't already done it, complete the Library User Agreement e-form before you come to campus. Students must complete this form each year, prior to borrowing library materials (faculty & staff do not need to complete a form).

Screenshot of library user agreement form

Step 3: Come to the Library (Main 170) with your Surge Card

Be sure to check our Library PickUp Hours before coming to visit us!

Step 4: Call the Library at 513.569.1606

Call to let us know you're here!


The Library's Book Drop is located right outside the Library's doors (Main 170). The Book Drop is accessible during the College's open hours.

All returned items go through a brief quarantine period before being checked in, so do not be worried if you see the item(s) on your account for a few days after dropping it off.

Cincinnati State Logo

Johnnie Mae Berry Library

Phone: 513.569.1606
Text: 513.275.4466
Instant Message Popout/span>

Berry Library • Room 170 Main Building • 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45223-2690
Library Privacy & Accessibility

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