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Step-by-Step: Books & More

Modify Current Search

Modify your Search Results

Too many results? Or, not enough? Not the right type of resource? Click the "Modify Search" link to open "Advanced Search" options--the screenshots below may provide additional guidance.

Start an Advanced Search

Step 1: Where it says "More Searches", use the drop-down arrow to select "Advanced Keyword", then click the little arrow on the right.

Step 2: Use the multiple search boxes to refine your search.

The AND will narrow your results because they will have to include BOTH search terms.

The OR will expand your results because they will just have to include EITHER of your search terms. Use this for synonyms and similar keywords.

Step 3: Limit by "Location".

  • Stacks: Limits to books you can borrow from our physical collection.
  • Media: Limits to academic & fiction titles located in the Library.
  • Reference: Limits to books you may only borrow inside of the Library.
  • Periodicals: Limits to the Library's newspaper, magazine, & journal titles.
  • Online Resources: Limits to those you may connect to via the Internet. Please note: most of our online resources are better found using our Research Databases or EBook collections.
  • Audiobooks: Limits to books available in CD format.
  • Children's Literature: Limits to books for preschool & elementary-age children.

Alt Step 3: Limit by Material Type.

If you've limited by "Location", you should not need to also limit by "Material Type". Common uses of limiting by "Material Type" are to only return resources that are books or videos.

Step 4: Limit by Year.

Limiting by "Year" will limit your results to those published within the dates you select. The most common use of this limiter is to enter an "From" date; this is helpful because some assignments will require resources only published within the last 3-5 years.

Step 5: Click "Submit".

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