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MARC Editor User Manual

Searching in the MARC Editor

If you are used to searching in the Digital Library, you will find that searching in the MARC Editor looks very similar, but there are some differences.

  • Just like in the Digital Library, there is a simple search box that allows you to enter one or more search terms:
  • There is also an advanced search, which looks like the advanced search in the Digital Library.

  • And finally, the alphabetical searches in Horizon have been replicated as Browse indexes:

Partial phrase

To search for a partial phrase, use double quotation marks, either in a field or as free text, for example:

"manufacturing in asia"

Exact phrase/match

Single quotes allow you to search for an exact phrase/exact match, meaning the word or phrase you search for is the only thing contained in a subfield.

The exact phrase search is not case-sensitive.

To search for an exact phrase, use single quotation marks, either in a field or as free text, for example:

author:'republic of korea'

The example above will only find records that have author fields that only contain the exact phrase republic of korea. If you search for author:"republic of korea" using double quotes, you will also get results for democratic people's republic of korea.


Trunction only works if you do a field search and not in free text. For example, if you want to find all records created by an individual in a particular month, you would search like this:
