If you are used to searching in the Digital Library, you will find that searching in the MARC Editor looks very similar, but there are some differences.
To search for a partial phrase, use double quotation marks, either in a field or as free text, for example:
"manufacturing in asia"
Single quotes allow you to search for an exact phrase/exact match, meaning the word or phrase you search for is the only thing contained in a subfield.
The exact phrase search is not case-sensitive.
To search for an exact phrase, use single quotation marks, either in a field or as free text, for example:
author:'republic of korea'
The example above will only find records that have author fields that only contain the exact phrase republic of korea. If you search for author:"republic of korea" using double quotes, you will also get results for democratic people's republic of korea.
Trunction only works if you do a field search and not in free text. For example, if you want to find all records created by an individual in a particular month, you would search like this:
169,000 pages digitized in 2023
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