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MARC Editor User Manual

Creating and editing workforms

Workforms allow you to create a template with default fields that can be used to create new records.


Creating Workforms

Any new record can be saved as a workform by clicking on the "save as workformSave as workform icon.

Save as workform

You have to assign a name and a description. The name should start with the duty station creating the workform (NY or GE) and cannot include spaces or special characters, for example:

  • NY_bib_straight
  • NY_bib_pub_sym

The description should be short and concise. 

After entering the name and description, click Save to save the workform. 

Naming workform


Editing Workforms

To edit a workform, click on the "Create Record" link, select the type of record the workform is related to, and in the pop-up click on the "edit workformEdit workform icon.

Create record and edit workform


Deleting Workforms

To delete a workform, follow the steps above to edit the workform, and the click on the trash can Trash icon to delete the workform.

Delete workform