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MARC Editor User Manual

File management

Currently, file management can only be done for records that have a document symbol in field 191 $a. Files for records that don't have a symbol have to be uploaded via the collector tool and the URL has to be added in an 856 field.

Only PDF files should be uploaded.

Files to be uploaded have to follow these file naming conventions:

  • A slash (/) in the symbol is replaced by an underscore (_)
  • Other punctuation/characters/spaces should be the same as they appear in the document symbol
  • At the end of the symbol, add a dash (-) followed by the one letter-code for the language (-A, -C, -E, -F, -R, -S) or the two letter-code (-AR, -ZH, -EN, -FR, -RU, -ES, -DE )


Document symbol in 191 $a

File name  









E/5562/Add.3(Part II)  

E_5562_Add.3(Part ll)-A  






Files can be uploaded and managed via the Files menu at the top of the page:

Select Upload Files if you want to upload one or more files.
Currently, you have to either add just one file or add a batch of files all at once. If you add one file and then another one, the upload will not work.

Add the file(s) you want to upload via the drag & drop and click on the green box to select them from your computer:

If the document symbol wasn't converted properly, you can modify it in this field:

You can also modify the language selection if necessary. If the file contains text in more than one language, you can select the appropriate languages and then the file will be uploaded under the languages you select.

Finally, you can select to either "Keep" any existing file, which means that if there is an existing file for the same record, it will not be replaced, or "Overwrite" the existing file, which means that an existing file for the same record will be replaced. You would use "Overwrite" if you want to replace an existing file.

"Keep" is the default and is what you should use if you want to upload a file and aren't sure if it exists already.

Once you have made any necessary adjustments, click on Process Files.

You will get a list that will tell you if the file has been properly uploaded or if there were any issues: