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MARC Editor User Manual

Merging authorities

NOTE: Merging is a function to be used only by those approved to do so by the librarian responsible for authorities management (Susan Hussein).  If in doubt, always check with Susan.

Add authorities to the basket

If you come across two authorities you are sure should be merged, check the box next to them and Send Selected to Basket.

Authorities in basket

  • Then go to the Record Editor.  The two authorities will be visible in your basket.  Select each from the side panel individually so that both authorities are opened.

Authorities in basket

  • Paste any pertinent information to what will be the remaining authority, for example the 100 field can be copied over and edited to a 400 so that the variation in the name is retained.  

Edit authority to merge

  • Remember to save your changes in the surviving authority before conducting a merge.

Authorities Merge in Editor Menu

  • Once you are sure you have copied and saved over all the relevant metadata, select Authorities Merge from the Editor Menu.

Authorities merge feature

  • Carefully review the authority IDs of the two authorities to ensure that the correct gaining authority is remaining, since the other one will disappear and select Merge.

Authority merge in process

  • This message will pop up to indicate the merge is in process and press OK. Depending on the number of bibs associated with the authorities, it will either take a few seconds or a few minutes for the merge to complete. 

Review authority after merge

  • Currently there are no indications when the system has completed the merge, but you can go back to the Auths menu and the merged authority should be at the top of your results.