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MARC Editor User Manual

Reviewing authorities

  • Authorities are usually only reviewed in the MARC Editor by the librarian responsible for authority management.  This is to ensure all newly created authorities in the Marc Editor are reviewed and any necessary edits are made.   

Review Auths

  • Go to to the Review Auths menu under Auths
  • In the top search box, enter in the date from which you would like to review the authorities that have been created and updated, select Submit.

  • Filter results by type of authority to most efficiently review the new authorities.  100, 111, 130, 150 and 190 are the more commonly reviewed authorities. 

  • Click on any of the authorities in the faceted list, if you want to look at a selection of them in closer detail then send them to your basket.
  • Select each authority for review and Approve Record if you would like to remove it from the Review Auths menu (NOTE: function to be used only by those approved to do so by the librarian responsible for authorities management (Susan Hussein).  If in doubt, always check with Susan).

Search tips

  • Browse search - avoid any additional spaces, use a comma.
  • When using the authority search (not browse search) do not use a comma in your search.  Check browse search if you are not finding something you expect to be there.
  • Be aware when searching searching for apostrophes, diacritics and accents that you may not be seeing all the relevant results.
  • If you change an indicator in an authority, it may think that a duplicate is being created (even though it is not).  The same thing applies for authorities with a subfield g.