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MARC Editor User Manual

User management

Users with the admin role have permission to create, edit and delete users. An Admin link shows up in the upper right corner if you have this role.

Admin permission

As an admin, you can get a listing of all the users under Users. From there you can update a user profile, including assigning a new email address, a new username, a new password and changing/deleting roles and default views. 

For a new user, we use the official UN email and the user name (the first part of the email address before @) as the MARC Editor username. ISS will generate a password. 

You can also see all the roles that have been set up and the permissions they include:

indexer-basic createRecord , createWorkform , readRecord , readWorkform , updateRecord , updateWorkform
admin createRecord , createFile , createWorkform , createAdmin , createRole , createPermission , createUser , createView , readRecord , readFile , readWorkform , readAdmin , readRole , readPermission , readUser , readView , updateRecord , updateFile , updateWorkform , updateAdmin , updateRole , updatePermission , updateUser , updateView , deleteRecord , deleteFile , deleteWorkform , deleteAdmin , deleteRole , deletePermission , deleteUser , deleteView , reviewAuths , mergeAuthority , readSync
indexer-full reviewAuths , mergeAuthority , createRecord , createWorkform , readRecord , readWorkform , updateRecord , updateWorkform , deleteRecord , deleteWorkform
fileupload createFile , readFile , updateFile , deleteFile
DIG-full createRecord , createFile , createWorkform , readRecord , readFile , readWorkform , updateRecord , updateFile , updateWorkform , deleteRecord , deleteFile , deleteWorkform
DIG-admin createRecord , createFile , createWorkform , createRole , createPermission , createUser , createView , readRecord , readFile , readWorkform , readAdmin , readRole , readPermission , readUser , readView , updateRecord , updateFile , updateWorkform , updateRole , updatePermission , updateUser , updateView , deleteRecord , deleteFile , deleteWorkform , deleteRole , deleteUser , deleteView
indexer-admin reviewAuths , mergeAuthority , createRecord , createFile , createWorkform , createRole , createPermission , createUser , createView , readRecord , readFile , readWorkform , readAdmin , readRole , readPermission , readUser , readView , updateRecord , updateFile , updateWorkform , updateRole , updatePermission , updateUser , updateView , deleteRecord , deleteWorkform , deleteRole , deleteUser , deleteView