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MARC Editor User Manual

Add or delete a field

You can add or delete a field one of two ways:

  1. Click the menu icon  to the left of an existing field and select "Add field" or "Delete field" from the drop-down menu that appears
    • You can also select multiple fields using the white check boxes on the left side and select "Delete Selected Field(s)
  2. Use keyboard shortcuts to add or delete a field
    • Add a field: ctrl + enter
    • Delete a field: ctrl + k

For every valid MARC field, one or more frequently subfields have been defined that are added by default when you add the field. Hit the Enter key after adding the MARC field code, and the cursor will move to the first subfield..

Add or delete a subfield

You can add or delete a subfield one of two ways:

  1. Click the menu icon to the left of an existing subfield, and select "Add subfield" or "Delete subfield" as appropriate. You can also rearrange the order of subfields by the options "Move subfield up" or "Move subfield down"
  2. Use keyboard shortcuts:
    • Add subfield: ctrl + /
    • Delete subfield: ctrl + m